Wednesday, August 18, 2010


O...m....g.. so ...

I ran home from work excited and eager to do the first dvd in the Insanity program. Day 1 is the "Fit Test". It's about 25-38 minutes long and the purpose of it to see provide a baseline for yourself to be able to compare your fitness levels on Day 15, 36, 50 and 63. The idea is that the longer you do the program your fitness level will improve and you'll be able to do more reps of each program for a longer duration of time.

Okay...all the technical stuff aside.. I donned my double 'cuz you know us top heavy girls can't have all our goodies smacking us in the face as we're jumping around. Laced up my sneaks, put on my tights, and since I was in the privacy of my own apartment just worked out like that.. In my bra and tights lmao..just like those skinny bitches in the video :D (Another thing I couldn't do at home OR in the gym..not with all my jigglies hanging out)

Put the dvd on ..hit play ..and we go! Slow jogging okay.. side to side leaps, and some other non strenuous stuff. I'm breathing a bit hard and feeling pretty darn good about myself.. then I hear "That was the warm up" errr?? You mean we didn't start yet??

It went downhill from there... cheiiiii! There were 8 excercises and here are the number of reps I was able to do in the time allotted:

1. Switch Kicks - 128
2. Power Jacks-27
3. Power Knees-70
4. Power Jumps-8 really bad ones, 1 good one with good form
5.Globe Jumps- 2
6. Suicide Jumps-3
7. Push-UP Jacks-0..yes, I said 0.I can't even do one friggin push up :-(
8.Low Plank Oblique- 15

Needless to say, my numbers are wayyyyy lower than the people on the dvd accomplished and while I'm not in the greatest of shape..and took plenty..PLENTY of least I got through it! But let's talk about how I felt..

Did I feel energized, happy, with a crazy stream of adrenaline rushing though my body.... NO..
Omygosh..I almost fainted 3 times.. and actually rushed to the bathroom once because I felt bile coming up my throat..I definitely dry heaved into the toilet. I'm glad Shaun emphasized at the beginning of the dvd and throughout that it's okay to take a rest if needed because I sho' as hell did. I can honestly say that with all the different exercises and dvds andf classes that I have tried I have never done anything as strenuous as this..

and it's a bit deceiving! Because I'm looking at the moves and you're thinking "Oh this looks easy.." Then my obese frame actually gets on the floor and tries to jump up and fllyyyyy in the air like the other peope in the dvd *crickets chirping* My knees and back cried and then scornfully laughed in total protest..

I'm excited to see how I perform on my next fitness test..

but yeah, definitely spent 30-40minutes on the floor, clutching my inhaler for dear life, wheezing while my cat curiously settles in between my sprawled legs because she thinks we're about to take a nap. I heard cats in nursing homes have a tendency to cuddle up with patients because they know when that person's about to die..hmm.. God forbid lol.. But I certainly felt like my time had came lol..

So..we haven't talked about the diet part of this fitness regime.. the program does come with a recommended diet plan, but I choose to follow my good ol' standby "ATKINS" As I've explained before this is the diet abi way of life that has worked for me and I think that with the combination of INSANITY and Atkins..I'ma be an even sexier someborri in 60 days :)

LATERZ! ~Naijasissy

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